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Also, view our
GBARC's Analog Net
Thursday, 2/20/2025 at 8:00 PM
Weekly VHF/UHF Net Thursdays
The GBARC Net is held on the WA1RJI and N1KGN repeaters every Thursday at 8:00 pm. Details here.
Monthly Meeting
The second Tuesday of each month at 7:45 pm on Zoom. An exception is dinner meetings that start at 7:00pm at a local restaurant. Details here.
GBARC conducts a challenging hidden transmitter foxhunt about every month. Details here.
The Greater Bridgeport Amateur Radio Club (GBARC) is an ARRL affiliated club whose mission is to support the City of Bridgeport during times of emergency and non-emergency by providing training and technical expertise. We seek to further the exchange of information and cooperation between members and non-members, to promote radio knowledge, fraternalism and individual operating efficiency; and to conduct club programs and activities as to advance the general interest and advancement of amateur radio and ham radio operators in our communities.
If you are a licensed radio amateur operator you are invited to join us order to help meet these goals. Come experience new and exciting activities while you have a chance to learn from others. If you are not a GBARC member and need any information about joining, training or making donations, or for general comments concerning our website please contact us at
and we will respond as soon as possible.
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and many of our members donate funds to finance our projects. You can easily donate through PayPal.
GBARC Leads the State for 2024 Summer FIELD DAY - June 22-23
GBARC's ARRL Summer Field Day was held on the top level of the St. Vincent’s Medical Center parking garage in Bridgeport, CT. We operated 2 HF, 1 HF GOTA, and 1 VHF/UHF station using SSB, CW and FT8 modes.
We ranked 1st in Connecticut in all categories, 7th in the country in category 2F, and 239th in the 4320 field day participants. Event photos are in our gallery
Thanks to all of the GBARC members and drop-ins for making this a successful event.
2025 WINTER FIELD DAY - January 25-26
GBARC's Winter Field Day Location was at NI1Q's QTH. A total of 716 contacts and 17550 QSO points were scored on 6 bands from 160m to 10m. Multipliers brought the grand total to 175,550 points. Fun and useful training was had by all and we are looking forward to Summer Field Day in June. Event photos are in our gallery.
Monthly Meeting - March 11 at 7:45pm ET
All amateur radio operators and those looking to become licensed are invited to our next meeting which will be held via Zoom. Contact the GBARC president,
, for login details. Or you can subscribe to our groups.io blog and receive an email prior to each meeting and other events.
- Echo Hose Ambulance Training
- 430 Coram Ave.
- Shelton, CT
You can call-in for more information or help on one of our repeaters (see information below).
Our agenda includes time to socialize, handle club business, questions and answers, and usually a technical presentation.
Weekly net - February 20 at 8:00pm ET
GBARC holds a weekly net in order to practice net protocol, pass club and technical information, and hold a general rag chew. Our weekly nets are held each Thursday at 8pm Eastern Time. You can participate in the net by listening to the linked repeaters at:
VHF Repeater W1BPT
Receive: 146.445 MHz
Transmit: 147.445 MHz (+1MHz offset)
CTCSS Tone: 77Hz
UHF Repeater N1KGN
Frequency: 441.700 MHz
Transmit: 446.700 MHz (+5MHz offset)
CTCSS Tone: 77Hz
Echolink Node: 441700 |